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The whole reason I started this quixotic adventure in the music business was very altruistic. No. Really.
I moved to San Francisco in the early 90s and immediately dove into the music, art and wacka-doodle street performances that could be had just from riding the metro. I fell in love with this quirky city and as the years went on I made my way into the music scene and met so many fantastic musicians. Musicians that had to move to New York just to come back here and get a serious gig!
Ever since graduating music school I’ve been an audio engineer and radio producer as my day job. So during this time in SF I was also consulting with my many musician friends about how they could produce recordings and how to deal with the very ‘left-brain’ task of organizing and planning.
So for many many years I had this idea, this notion, that I could bridge these two worlds and in 2012 I started Digital Victrola with the album 24 Preludes for Tuba and Piano.

Fast forward to August 2020 and a friend asks me how are things going? Now remember, on March 17th the SF Bay Area closed its doors. And I and every musician I know lost everything. In one day all of our gigs through January just evaporated.
How’s it going indeed. I’m lucky, I know many who don’t have a spouse with a full time job. I still have an apartment and food. For months before the pandemic I was considering a subscription model for the DigItal Victrola label, but now it seemed the only option. I have 4 projects that I’m currently managing, but because I lost all my day jobs there’s no money to make them happen.

Yes, I am recording! But of course it takes a lot longer as I can’t have everyone in the same room at the same time. “Down By The Riverside” is ready for mastering, “Together Apart” is in the process of recording, a tribute to the French composer Claude Arrieu (a.k.a. Ann Marie Simon) is in the planning stages, and a retrospective of Bay Area arranger Bob Bissell is also in the planning stage!

And this is where you come in. By subscribing to Digital Victrola through Bandcamp you will ensure that music still gets made and you’ll be supporting the musicians of the Bay Area because of the 50/50 profit model at my tiny record label.

You’ve read this far so click on the word SUBSCRIBE and see how it works!

And thank you for coming to the artist’s shows over the years, there will come a time when we can be live again!

Eric Waynesubscribe