Cartoon Jazz Band at Bird & Beckett
Saturday, November 10, 2018
6:00 PM 8:30 PM
Bird & Beckett
653 Chenery Street
San Francisco, CA, 94131
United States (map)
I’ll be appearing with the Cartoon Jazz Band (which varies in size from 7 to 13!) at this great intimate location… oh, and it’s an independent book store! I know! There are still some around. So come out and support both the book store and us! We've been rehearsing and recording new music by Lenny Carlson (CDs/downloads of the Nonet not yet available) and want you to come and listen to this show because his music will definitely be a part of it!
I know. New music. But there will be some of the band’s standard repertoire as well! You can do this! Plus you’ll have a great time!
Sliding scale $10 - 20. People also bring their own wine… and you can too, as long as you don’t try to sell it. But if it’s just a bunch of friends sharing a fine Anderson Valley Pinot….
I hope to see you and your bottle of Phillips Hill there.